In about 5% of patients with this disease, psoriasis occurs with localization of the main changes in the elbow area. The formation of psoriatic lesions on the elbows is possible at any age, but according to statistics, this form of the disease is mainly characteristic of older people.In most cases, the pathology can be successfully treated with timely consultation with a doctor, but in advanced cases it can be complicated by psoriatic arthritis.

Causes and symptoms
Elbow psoriasis has the same etiological causes of development as other forms of the disease. These are heredity, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, reduced immune system function, mechanical damage to the skin and traumatic situations. The triggering factor for the appearance of psoriasis lesions in the elbow area is dyshidrosis - chronic drying of the skin.
The disease begins with the appearance of one or more reddish spots that protrude slightly above the skin. At first they are red, then they become covered with a whitish film and gradually a cuticle layer forms on their surface, giving the plaques a silvery color.
In addition to these changes, elbow psoriasis can be recognized by the following symptoms:
- The resulting individual spots fuse together over time, resulting in the formation of large lesions;
- The scales are easily removed from the surface, leaving a thin skin on which drops of blood can form.
- The formation of pustules is characterized by the appearance of a clearly defined red border separating healthy skin from the affected tissue;
- The appearance of skin rashes is accompanied by severe itching in 80% of cases;
- Regression, that is, the disappearance of the plaque, begins in the middle and a light spot remains in its place after the process subsides.

In mild cases, the pathology disappears within one and a half to two months. In the advanced stage, the spots may not disappear completely - during the remission phase, one or more small plaques remain on the skin.
If left untreated, elbow psoriasis can lead to psoriatic arthritis, an inflammation of the joints. A complication is indicated by swelling and swelling in the area of the affected joint, a local increase in temperature and pain when moving.
Features of elbow psoriasis
Psoriasis on the elbows has certain developmental and progression characteristics, including:
- Age of onset. Older people in particular consult a doctor with this form of the disease; damage in this area is rare in children and adolescents;
- Only in 30% of cases is the symmetry of the lesion noted - plaques form on both the right and left elbow. In other cases, the inflammation affects only one elbow area;
- In psoriasis, unlike eczema and dermatitis, psoriatic lesions are localized only on the outer extensor side of the joint;
- The disease is characterized by seasonality - exacerbations most often occur in the cold months of the year, that is, when the skin is more dehydrated;
- The rash can be either dry or wet;
- The lesions predominantly spread towards the forearm;
- Over time, elbow psoriasis causes the skin in the affected area to thicken. The skin becomes dense, dry and cracks quickly, which is accompanied by the appearance of blood, pain and itching.
Treatment for elbow psoriasis must be done under the supervision of a dermatologist. The lack of therapy leads to the impossibility of completely removing all changes in the affected area, which leads to internal discomfort and can cause depression.
Treatment methods for elbow psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis on the elbows should be comprehensive. It includes the use of external agents, systemic medications, physiotherapy and traditional therapy methods.
In the early stages of the disease, when only a few small plaques form and there is no pronounced swelling and redness, you can use ointments that have a softening, anti-inflammatory effect and can soften the keratinized outer layer of the pimples.
In severe cases, that is, when swelling, itching and hyperemia are pronounced and the spots increase rapidly, therapy begins with the use of ointments containing glucocorticosteroids.
Any of the above ointments for psoriasis on the elbows should be prescribed by a doctor. They are used in a short period of time, paying attention to the frequency of use and dosage. Failure to follow the instructions for using hormonal drugs significantly increases the likelihood of developing local and systemic side effects.
Patients with elbow psoriasis are recommended to use ointments containing emollient components and vitamins even if the disease worsens. Their constant use nourishes the skin, prevents dehydration and thereby prolongs the periods of remission.
Drug therapy

Depending on the symptoms of the disease, its severity and concomitant diseases, medications are selected for the patient. Medications are mainly prescribed if the psoriatic changes continue to progress and frequent relapses occur.
Standard oral therapy:
- Antihistamines.The main purpose of prescribing antihistamines is to relieve itching, which accelerates the healing process of plaques and prevents the penetration of microbes into the damaged epidermis;
- Medicines with a sedative effect– Tinctures of valerian, motherwort. Their use helps to reduce nervousness, improve sleep quality and prevent the development of depression;
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Drugs from this group relieve inflammation and pain well and promote skin regeneration;
- Vitamin therapy.The use of vitamins increases the protective properties of the body and improves metabolic processes.
All medications prescribed by your doctor must be taken completely.A decrease in rash lesions does not mean that therapy should be completed, otherwise the disease may return to a progressive stage.
physical therapy
The main treatment for elbow psoriasis can be supplemented with physical therapy. They are prescribed to improve blood circulation and metabolic reactions of the skin; their use contributes to improving local immunity and accelerates the restoration of normal epidermis. With psoriasis, procedures such as magnetic therapy, phototherapy, PUVA method, laser treatment and skin irradiation with ultraviolet rays show good results.
Patients with elbow psoriasis are prescribed sanatorium treatment, diet therapy and normalization of the nervous system.
Elimination of psoriasis using traditional methods

Treatment of inflamed skin on the elbows at home with folk methods can be carried out after the acute process has subsided. The effectiveness of home-made ointments and tinctures for compresses, herbal mixtures for internal use and medicinal baths has been proven. All means of traditional therapy should be used, taking into account the tolerability of the underlying components.
- Baths for the treatment of elbows.Chamomile, sage, celandine and string should be mixed in equal proportions. Two to three tablespoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water in a 1: 10 ratio. The mixture is infused for half an hour, after which you can immerse your elbows in the medicinal solution. The duration of the procedure is until the infusion has completely cooled down;
- Therapeutic bath.The shells of 10 walnuts are brewed with a liter of boiling water, after an hour the infusion is filtered and poured into a water bath. You need to lie in the healing bath for 20-30 minutes and repeat it every day for at least 5 days.
- Garlic compress.A few small cloves of garlic are ground and poured into a glass of hot water. You need to let the garlic solution brew for an hour and a half, then dip a bandage folded in several layers into it, squeeze it slightly and apply to the elbow area. The compress changes as the gauze dries; it is advisable to carry out the procedure within an hour;
- Birch tar.You need purified birch tar; apply it to the plaque area. The first procedure should last no longer than 8-10 minutes, with each subsequent day the time is increased. The duration of treatment with tar is 14 days. You can wash tar off your elbows with laundry soap;
- Phytocompress.10 grams of dry grape leaves, 10 grams of burdock root and 10 grams of flax seeds must be ground in a blender. The prepared mixture is poured into a glass of hot milk and heated over low heat for 2-3 minutes. After cooling in the liquid, moisten a gauze napkin and apply to the elbows. Keep the compress for half an hour.
Psoriasis on the elbows causes a lot of inconveniences, but this form of the disease is considered one of the mildest. Timely consultation of a doctor, lifestyle and diet changes, and adherence to preventive measures can completely cleanse the skin in the elbow joint and significantly extend the periods of remission of the disease.